Chloë Taylor is a feminist philosopher, critical animal studies scholar, prison abolition scholar, and Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Alberta.
New book
The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals is a diverse and intersectional collection which examines human and more-than-human animal relations, as well as the interconnectedness of human and animal oppressions through various lenses. Comprising fifty orginal chapters, the book explores a range of debates and scholarship within important contemporary topics such as companion animals, hunting, agriculture, and animal activist strategies. It also offers timely analyses of zoonotic disease pandemics, mass extinction, and the climate catastrophe, using perspectives including feminist, critical race, anti-colonial, critical disability, and masculinities studies.
Latest monograph
Foucault, Feminism and Sex Crimes: An Anti-Carceral Analysis brings together anti-carceral feminism and Foucault’s insights in Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality to explore the topic of sexual crime.